Inside The Book: 184 pages containing rules, background lore, and warp-touched art
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Guide To: Your guide book for Chaos Space Marines game
Includes: 44 datasheets covering the lowliest Cultist and mightiest Daemon Prince, plus 15 psychic powers, a range of in-depth Legion rules, Prayers to the Dark Gods, Marks of Chaos, and more
Fun Unlimited: Reduces screen time and keeps you occupied for a long time
Excellent Craftsmanship: Features detailed artwork with intricate detailing for a realistic appeal
The Games Workshop Warhammer 40,000 Codex Chaos Space Marines book is a must-have guide for those who collect and play the corrupt Astartes known as Chaos Space Marines. The book will give you an insight into all the rules you need to play a Chaos Space Marine army, including 44 datasheets covering the lowliest Cultist and mightiest Daemon Prince, plus 15 psychic powers, a range of in-depth Legion rules, Prayers to the Dark Gods, Marks of Chaos, and more. It also contains rules for Crusade campaigns and narrative games.